Well, here we are, with another edition of ice cream social events. Today, however, there are two ice cream events to tell you of:
The Blackout Ice Cream Social
As some of you know, I was on my way to NYC the day the blackout hit. I stopped in New Paltz to stay with a friend overnight, before I had to be in NYC the following day. But there were no lights, so we hung around and lit candles and were entertained by my friend’s daughter, Mia. Later, though, we’d decided to make the most of this adventure by hitting the town’s center and seeing what was up. So we did, and what do we stumble upon? An oasis in the desert!
It was either this or dump it all in the garbage
So the four of us each got some ice cream treats, and the whole bill came out to six bucks. Such a deal!
Diane, Melinda, Mia, Leah
So there ya go! There’s always a silver cloud to each of life’s little inconveniences.
The Great Buffalo Ice Cream Social
As this was an official TLIC event, let us record the minutes properly:
Date: 8/22/03
Location: Sweet Tooth, Buffalo, NY
Present: Members Mary Rose, Maria, Cheryl, Julia, Leah. Non-members Alan, Matt, The Pugliese Family, Sonya
Agenda: Celebrate Mary Rose’s 25th birthday, eat ice cream, be depraved.
It was one of those moments when all the planets align just right, and everyone’s schedule coincides! We made the plans to celebrate Mary Rose’s big day in Buffalo, as it was the perfect central location for us all to meet! Julia and Matt came from Jamestown, the rest of the members came from Rochester, and we met up with Alan, a regular reader and commenter who lives in Buffalo. We all met up at Sweet Tooth around 7:30 and made our formal introductions, as most of us had not yet actually met Julia and her betrothed, Matt.
Upon our arrival, we Rochesterians decided we were FAMISHED and dashed quickly into Louie’s for some dogs and sweet potato fries:
After wolfing down our chow, we returned to the business at hand. Now Sweet Tooth is not just an ice cream parlor. They also have the most decadent pastries and cakes and such, as well as designer candies. And when the gang was inside looking at all the delicacies, a true crisis of conscience set in. It was a dilemma, a quandary, when many of us eyed the cheesecake and mousse torts and secretly wished for those instead of ice cream. I could see their internal struggle:
Sensing their angst, your benevolent dictator announced “Uh….ya know you don’t HAVE to eat ice cream!” All breathed a collective sigh of relief and headed for the cheesecake. I suggested that we could all get a piece of cake and have them slap on a scoop of ice cream. It was, after all, a birthday par-tay! Woo hoo!
So after much decision-making and waiting in line, we headed outside to enjoy our calories. Elmwood Ave. in Buffalo is the coolest place I’ve ever seen: Many neat shops and freaks of all kinds: we misfits actually fit. There are people of every kind in that neighborhood, so we people-watched and chatted, and the straight boys (Alan and Matt, in case you were wondering) were bonding. It was also the Buffalo Bike Blast weekend, so every 2.5 minutes a gang of Harley’s would rumble down the road. Much fun. When we all had assembled on the sidewalk with our goodies, we made a little sign and raised our deserts in honor of Indiana member, Pinky, whose birthday was Wednesday. Here’s our salute to you:
The sign says "Happy Birthday, Nina!"
A little while later my Buffalo family showed up!
Michelle, Marty and Dee, Jake in front.
Then Maria’s friend Sonya made an appearance! It was a big TLIC hootenanny and there was much rejoicing! (Yaaay…) By far this has been our largest social. So everyone was eating and chatting and bonding and gossiping and what-not, when tragedy struck!!! Oh, what a world! What’s the worst that could happen at an ice cream social? Read on at your own risk: discretion is advised.
Sonya’s scoop of ice cream fell right off the cone onto the ground.
[And when Maria gets off her butt, she has a photo of this gruesome sight, which I will post when she sends it to me (hint hint).]
But I must say she and the rest of us handled this tragedy with panache. Nobody screamed…uh...well, actually, I did, but everyone else held it together. Nonetheless, we all moved on. In fact, we got over it quickly enough to head right onto the next item on the agenda, the porn store du jour!
Today’s pick was the Village Books and News in Kenmore, NY. Such an innocuous, respectable name, isn’t it? And it was a first for us to have boys with us. And I’m sure a first for them to go into a porn store with a gang of girls, half of us lesbians.
Point of information: The Pugliese Family did not accompany us, as bringing their young children into such a place would probably not be considered good parenting. And Sonya didn’t come, because she had to go to work.
So on we went. And lucky us, it was 20% off for the ladies!! I’m amazed at how many adult stores offer discounts for women to draw us in. Like women normally would want to go to a place where perverted men are whacking off in the back. Yeah, such a safe environment for a woman. Anyhoo, we wandered about and made our usual silly comments. Alan is our new porn guru, as he not only knows about every store within Erie County, but also regaled us with his extensive knowledge of disgusting sex terminology. We love him. We must have spent a good hour in there, but finally made our purchases and left. As is customary, we never reveal who bought what. Torture me with nipple clamps if you want, I’ll never tell.
Outside of the store I made the announcement that I thought Alan should be honored with a TLIC membership and be crowned our T.P. (token penis). And while I didn’t make a formal motion, Cheryl seconded it. And while I didn’t formally call for acclamation, I heard no objections and unilaterally passed the un-motion. I have since formally sent Alan an invitation to become our 10th member.
And then we all had to say goodbye. Boo hoo. But before I officially end this transmission, lookie at the cool little clay sculpie that Maria made for Mary Rose:
It’s a little lion version of Mary Rose, a Leo, who likes to fish. I don’t know if you can see it, but the lion has a little strand of hair hanging down, just like Mary Rose’s!
And finally, I was told I HAD to post this photo, in honor of our missing Jessica, who headed off to college this weekend and could not join us. Let me say in my defense I had been up since 5:00 in the morning.
Usually Jessica falls asleep on the way home, but since she wasn’t here, I performed her duties admirably.
So there you have it!!! We had a fabulous time, and it was fun to meet Julia and Matt and to have the Buffalo gang join us, too. Until next time, ‘scream on!