Thursday, September 11, 2003
So glad to say that I am feeling better. I really want a t-shirt that says, "I survived the West Nile." I think I need a freaking support group.
On a more sarcastic note...
So I had this coupon. It said $3 off oil change at jiffy lube on an oil change. This is one of those places that you drive up and 5 guys come out of nowhere and go down the stairs underneath your car and are done in 5 minutes. So the guy comes over and says Ms. Constantino? I say yes? (I am the only one in the waiting room- because they've all found out what I am soon to discover) He shows me my air filter, (inner dialogue-- 'why the hell is this guy showing me this-- oh yes he's trying to rip me off) which looks just fine to me, I just bought the damn car! There are 41,000 mi on the damn thing and he's trying to change my air filter? Come on! So, I say, no that won't be necessary today-- mind you the guy that did the intake has already told me that every 30,000 mi I am supposed to change the transmission fluid. OK, so they are done in about 3.5 seconds and I go to the cash register to pay. He goes over the details of all the fabulous things they checked in the ridiculously short amount of time they spent with the car and then proceeds to tell me that it's $34.00! I am stuttering, scrambling for the coupon, with my mouth agape. But, but I have a coupon I pathetically stutter. OK, $31.00 is your total! I walk away in a stupor, dazed, my ego seriously hurt. I really thought they charged like $19.95. I was all ready with my $16, but alas, everything is 3x as much in Boulder.
I proceed to the gas station to see my Tibetan friend Shushil who always sells me lucky lottery tickets and skip the lotto today (I feel like I shouldn't press my luck) and buy the obligatory ice cream sandwich (for $3, but they are my favorite and I know that I am going to pay $3) for some solace. *slaps forehead in frustration* Yikes!
So glad to say that I am feeling better. I really want a t-shirt that says, "I survived the West Nile." I think I need a freaking support group.
On a more sarcastic note...
So I had this coupon. It said $3 off oil change at jiffy lube on an oil change. This is one of those places that you drive up and 5 guys come out of nowhere and go down the stairs underneath your car and are done in 5 minutes. So the guy comes over and says Ms. Constantino? I say yes? (I am the only one in the waiting room- because they've all found out what I am soon to discover) He shows me my air filter, (inner dialogue-- 'why the hell is this guy showing me this-- oh yes he's trying to rip me off) which looks just fine to me, I just bought the damn car! There are 41,000 mi on the damn thing and he's trying to change my air filter? Come on! So, I say, no that won't be necessary today-- mind you the guy that did the intake has already told me that every 30,000 mi I am supposed to change the transmission fluid. OK, so they are done in about 3.5 seconds and I go to the cash register to pay. He goes over the details of all the fabulous things they checked in the ridiculously short amount of time they spent with the car and then proceeds to tell me that it's $34.00! I am stuttering, scrambling for the coupon, with my mouth agape. But, but I have a coupon I pathetically stutter. OK, $31.00 is your total! I walk away in a stupor, dazed, my ego seriously hurt. I really thought they charged like $19.95. I was all ready with my $16, but alas, everything is 3x as much in Boulder.
I proceed to the gas station to see my Tibetan friend Shushil who always sells me lucky lottery tickets and skip the lotto today (I feel like I shouldn't press my luck) and buy the obligatory ice cream sandwich (for $3, but they are my favorite and I know that I am going to pay $3) for some solace. *slaps forehead in frustration* Yikes!