Well, this was truly an auspicious occasion. How often does one have the opportunity to go to what is probably the most amazing ice cream experience ever. I'm speaking of the Cold Stone Creamery, that amazing chain of ice cream franchises that does ice cream in the most debauched of ways. We're talking ice cream connoisseur-ness.
First, let me say the ice cream is absolutely delicious. Creamy and silky and loaded with artery-clogging fatty goodness. Then there's the whole aesthetic aspect. I went to the location in Times Square.
Outside is one of those crowd control lane-maker things, like they have in banks, because there's usually a huge line to get in. It wasn't bad this day though.
Well, this is one amazing experience. First you pick your ice cream flavor, then you look at the nine bazillion different extras you can add to it, and pick. For example, here is just a small section of extras - the candy:
They have a menu of pre-designed sundaes, but you can custom make your own. Lori and Shaun designed their own: Shaun had cake batter ice cream with sponge cake, cookie dough and caramel syrup. Lori had cake batter ice cream with peanut butter and cookie dough in it, in a chocolate-dipped, rainbow sprinkle waffle cone.
But I went with one of the pre-fabs, called "Chocolate Devotion". Chocolate ice cream with a brownie and chocolate chips...
then they add chocolate syrup.
They mix it all up and put it in a waffle cone. They have three sizes: Like it, love it,
gotta have it. I had the "love it" size.
Then I ate it!
(note the shiner...)
Then we hit the streets of Times Square, and I ran into Samuel L. Jackson. I tried to give him a taste of my sweet goodness, but he wasn't interested. He seemed a little stiff, if you ask me...
Now let me say this: The nearest Cold Stone Creamery is in the Carousel Mall in Syracuse. WE ARE GOING!!!
And now the cold stone facts:
Ice cream - 650 cal., 40g fat; brownie-180 cal., 6g fat; chocolate chips-130 cal., 7g fat; chocolate syrup-110 cal., 3g fat; waffle cone-160 cal., 4g fat.
Total calories and fat: 1230 cal./60g fat.
Cost of eating the best ice cream ever: PRICELESS!!!