Friday, July 02, 2004

Catching Up

Well, it has taken me long enough, but whatever, I don't wanna hear it. Here are the minutes of the May 22 ice cream social in Charlotte. There was no special reason for having the social, except that Julia was in town, so that's a good enough reason for me!

Well, it was the end of May, so of course it was freezing-ass cold outside. Julia was in town for a wedding gown fitting. Abbott's was officially opened. We all met up there:

seated l-r: Julia, Joy, Jane, Kelly, Brad, Cheryl. Standing: Hank, Heidi

We got our usual assortment of ice cream treats, except for Kelly, who was riding her motorcycle and didn't want to drive drunked up on custard. Very dangerous stuff, you know. But it did make her sad to see all of us eating, and she couldn't partake. She was practically in tears.

Cheryl brought her kids, and Heidi didn't have to yell at me even once for my potty mouth:

It was Hank's first social, and he had a blast. He spent most of the time licking the sidewalk. But I took pity on him, and shared my sundae with him:

I just find this picture adorable, and I have no witty comment to go with it:

Well, then of course the torrential rain started, and everyone scarpered, but Kelly had to wait for the rain to stop, since she was on her bike and doesn't have a monsoon suit. So we all said our quick goodbyes, then Julia, Kelly, Hank and I piled in Joy and Jane's van to wait out the deluge.

We were there for awhile, so naturally we got bored. What's a bunch of girls to do? Dress up the dog!

Ain't he an awesome dawg? Someone should write a country song about him.

And so, there ya have it. More ice cream silliness! Woo hoo!