Friday, May 16, 2003


Okay, so far I had the Mrs. Fields ice cream that Rose told you about, that gave me the runs. Then I had a DQ flurry, or blizzard, or whatever they call them with Reese's PB cups, and I split that with my little faggot buddy Jim, so it didn't bother me. Let's see, that was in Charleston, WV. The Mrs. Fields was in Hendersonville, NC. And today I went to the chiropractor who adjusted me and fixed my sudden little allergy to dairy. It's not lactose intolerance, just an allergic reaction. So I'm ready for my chocolate almond fudge. So here's a thought. Shall we congregate at the nearest Abbott's before my gig at Monty's on Thursday? There's one on Park Ave. Let me know who's up for it! I'll check with Mary on what time I need to be at Monty's, then we can plan the time to meet accordingly. PLEASE SAY YES!