Friday, May 30, 2003
I went to my friend Erin's softball game last night and screamed my ass off. When she was done, the three of us, Erin, Erin's g-friend Virginia and me went on an ice cream quest to soothe my poor freaking throat (and our troubles, since Erin's team lost). I suggested that we go to Cold Stone Creamery *dreamy sigh* but it was late and it was closed. Then we went over to TCBY (which I really didn't want) and thankfully that was closed too. We ended up getting ice cream to-go at Safeway (the local ghetto grocery store) and plastic spoons, going back to the park where Erin's game was to sit on the bleachers and devoured the whole pint. The flavor was Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter cup (not my favorite but good enough). It was so much fun. Like we were teenagers again. Didn't ya ever do that with your girlfriends, in the summer when you were young? Just get ice cream and walk aimlessly around town, covering all kinds of miles and not really going anywhere. I did. Anyway, it was fun! Had to blog about it...