Tuesday, November 25, 2003

On Top Of My Sundae - Author Unknown
Sung to: "On Top of Spaghetti"

On top of my sundae
All covered with sauce
I lost my poor cherry
It really got lost.

It rolled off the table
And onto the floor
And then my poor cherry
It rolled out the door.

It rolled to the garden
And under a bush
And then my poor cherry
It turned into mush.

If you like your sundae
All covered with sauce
Hold onto your cherry
Or it will be lost.
Guess what I found!!

It was Season 6 Episode 20 - The Unnatural

It was a dark and rainy night...

Not the typical ice cream season weather, but then again, it isn't ice cream season, ya see? And even though the weather the day before was reminiscent of ice cream season, it was easily 40 degrees colder today. But it's a sickness, this need for ice cream, ya see? And the dark season makes people depressed, ya see, and who needs "the light" when ya got ice cream, ya see?

The name's Bitter. A process server for hire who slings the best summonses around. A job where you spend most of your time in the car trying to find a bathroom decent enough to take a piss in. Today I was in Brockport, a postage stamp town apparently known for it's deadbeats. It's also the town where I know this dame. [Insert saxaphone music here...] Her name is Jessica. A diminutive woman with a trendy new hairdo and legs that go...no, wait, I've never seen her legs. I and my cohort of misfit freak friends had made plans to meet this Jessica. Everyone has been stressed lately. Family, work, money, school, careers...seems like there was always something that wasn't going right for any of us, and we'd had enough. We needed ice cream. And there was a Friendly's in Brockport.

The usual suspects were there: Maria, Mary Rose, Cheryl, Jessica, and me. But there were a couple of new odd ducks that joined the party. People who aren't regulars at our gatherings, but who were pleasant additions to our festivities this evening. Seems like the weird ones always flock together. First, there was Jessica's flame, Amanda, a blue-collar girl with a pink-collar sensibility, if you know what I mean. A woman who's soft heart betrays her gruff voice. And you could tell they were in love.

Then there was Sarah, a seemingly normal girl, but if she's keeping company with the likes of us, her normalcy must be suspect. A pretty, Italian girl with an attitude. A girl who's face says "What are YOU lookin' at?"

But a little ice cream can put a smile on anybody's face:

And so it was. Dark as early as 5:30. A cold, gusty wind with rain that turned into snow. Miles away from civilization at the ice cream parlor in a small college town. Eating enough chocolate to kill a cat. With friends who love and understand you and know how to make you feel good about your miserable, petty existence. Because it's all about the ice cream. [crescendo sax music and fade...]

Monday, November 24, 2003

Ice Cream News Alert!!

God Help Us All! Friendly's has issued a recall.

Sunday, November 23, 2003

Last Ice Cream of the Season

The evil Darilicious has seen me for the LAST TIME! At least until next season...My mother, sis and myself were beckoned there to get a Pumpkin shake! My mother was too timid to try the pumpkin so I went through the drive through and asked if they had small sizes then she could try it and no big deal. No, only medium and large. So I say ok, can you give me medium shakes of pumpkin, chocolate and mint chocolate chip. So I get up to the window and she says $4.00. That throws up a flag. I have bought one ice cream there before that was over $5.00 there was no way 3 shakes were $4.00. They were in the process of mixing the pumpkin and the chocolate and the mint chocolate chip together. Ummm hello? Corn fed girls ain't too bright...

Monday, November 17, 2003

Maria will appreciate this...

So, we had sundae night at the dining hall again last week. A friend of mine got a huge pile of cherries on her ice cream, and we all took the stems and attempted to tie them in knots using our tongues, Maria-style. Well, for the first time ever, I did it! Here's the picture of my proud little cherry stem to prove it:


PS - How about that Brockport social this Friday?? Is it going to happen?? I know I spoke with Leah and Maria about it...???

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Yesterday we rented Terminator 3! Had to do it, I love Ahhhhnold. We had a nice dinner and a friend brought over ice cream for dessert. Edys chocolate chip cookie dough and B&J's chocolate brownie...Yum...Mixed together (without stirring) and a bucket of popcorn on the side...Ok end of the world, it's ok...
Yesterday we rented Terminator 3! Had to do it, I love Ahhhhnold. We had a nice dinner and a friend brought over ice cream for dessert. Edys chocolate chip cookie dough and B&J's chocolate brownie...Yum...Mixed together (without stirring) and a bucket of popcorn on the side...Ok end of the world, it's ok...
Tasted Ice Cream-y

Okay, I've tried to post this damn thing for a week but my roadrunner has been running slower than dial-up and it's pissing me off! But today it seems to be better, so here's my mandatory post, because they're my rules and I must set an example! (hint hint...)

It wasn't really an ice cream social, but yesterday [which was last monday...] I had to go to Buffalo to see the dentist and the doctor and to buy this holistic medicine I can't get in Rochester and blah blah blah. And I made Maria come with me for the company, seeing as it was her day off and we needed to catch up. We had to wait a half hour for my prescriptions to be filled, so we went next door to Starbucks and I had a Brownie Frappuccino that was soooo cold and chocolately and it had whipped cream and chocolate syrup on it that it tasted like a milkshake, so I thought it qualified as blogworthy. Those damn things are almost 400 calories for the small one, so it may as well be ice cream!

And Maria had hot white chocolate. Don't get the white chocolate thing. Why! Why! Why!!

Saturday, November 08, 2003

A Sad Commentary
Today, I was feeling so sick and tired and upset about school, that I went to Tops and picked up a half gallon of the store brand vanilla ice cream (remember, I'm a college student with no job right now). I came home, dug a hole in the middle of the ice cream, and poured on the Hershey's and Wegmans whipped cream. I sat on the recliner, and for an hour, ate my big ass sundae, which will coincidentally give me a big ass, and watched Most Extreme Elimination Challenge on Spike. God, what a pathetic evening for a pathetic life, not that my whole life is pathetic, just the current time.
A Little Ice Cream
Last night we took Hubby out for dinner for his birthday...to Don Pablos. So, of course we all had a bite of the hot apple pie and ice cream they bring you :-). Heidi was TOOO funny. She made a point of telling the waitress that it was his birthday...cuz she wanted him to have to wear the sombrero...LOL.


Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Check THIS out!

You ALL must see Pinky's new bio photo. You will be SOOOO jealous.

hey all. sorry it's been so long since i last posted, but it has seriously been that long since i've had any ice cream (funny, that. my ICF remains the same. but that's a constant and nevermind. heh. i think leah should discount MY ICF fo the same reason she discounted alan's. )

anyway... remember how i told you guys i needed to find a good low carb ice cream because of my poor kid's blood sugar?


Bryer's makes a brand called "carb smart". i bought the chocolate 'cause the kid was buggin' me. "mooooooooooom... we haven't had ice cream in foreeveeeeeeeerrrrr.." (ahh the lovely whine of an 11 year old. )

anyway it's pretty good. it's not so sweet that you feel like your teeth are going to rot out of your head with the next bite, but it has that good, "real cream" consistency that ice cream should have. you totally won't miss the sugar. and i can imagine the vanilla type flavor is even better than the chocolate. i will let you all know next week.

*hugs all around*

Monday, November 03, 2003

I thought I was just being clever and silly...

... when I came up with this little ICF system. But I see a definite corellation here.

When I first started this blog we had a combined ICF of 33.5. Keep in mind that I discounted Alan's ICF score because he is a guy, and guys are always 5 even when they're getting laid, so you have to remove that margin of error. Also, he wasn't a member when we started this little thing. With that in mind, our ICF was 33.5. And there was A WHOLE LOTTA ice cream eating and blogging going on! Today, we have a combined ICF of 28.0, and there is considerably less ice cream eating and blogging.

Also keep in mind that this ICF score became lower during the later summer months, still in ice cream season, so I must discount the change of season as a factor.

So, it seems to be true, not that this is any kind of a scientific poll or nuthin', but anecdotally it's true: the more good sex you get, the less ice cream you need to eat.