Saturday, May 31, 2003

TLIC Update...

Please take note of the fetching new photo of Marjorie, who, may I say, is a major babe.

C'mon Goils! Road Trip to Michigan! The Whippi Dip beckons!

Tasted Kind of Like Ice Cream...

So I had my gig the other night at Earthtone's Coffeehouse, and it was way fun. And after we were all gonna go to Abbott's down the road, except that we all decided we were starving our titties off. So we went to Applebees instead (Jessica, Maria, Mary Rose, Cheryl and I). And I had a dainty salad, so I could save room for dessert. I had the low fat brownie sundae, because I have to lose 15 pounds by Wednesday, and the brownie was really fudgy and chewy, and the ice cream is that fat free crap that's kind of sticky and airy, and it's really gross by itself, but with that brownie it was pretty dang good.

Nobody else had dessert. They barely ate anything and they were all like "I'm sooo full, blaggh blaggh..." Wimpellas. But Mary Rose had an Oreo Milkshake, which counts, even though she said it wasn't very good. And I had a Peach Frozen Margarita, which is kind of like a shake! It was so cold it froze my esophagus and gave me an ice cream headache. Doesn't that count for somethin'?

Friday, May 30, 2003

okay i TRIED to blog this last freaking week, but blooger was being an ass.

heh. i got a notice from (yes, my ego is huge :P ) it's just a vanity thingy, however they are publishing one of my poems and i am up for the $15,000 prize if i can figure a way to get my ass to orlando on labor day weekend 2003. yay me. but i prolly won't be able to go seeing as how i am broke. blah.

so i celebrated all by me lonesome. wha. but i had the biggest hot fudge sundae with whipped cream and cherries and the whole enchilada from the good old whippi dip in ferrysburg, MI. right next door to good ol' fruitport. oy. and i am NOT EVEN kidding. heh. good thing they are still open. i need another one and i am going without this lot of ingrates i live with!

so there.

*stands with hand on hip*


I went to my friend Erin's softball game last night and screamed my ass off. When she was done, the three of us, Erin, Erin's g-friend Virginia and me went on an ice cream quest to soothe my poor freaking throat (and our troubles, since Erin's team lost). I suggested that we go to Cold Stone Creamery *dreamy sigh* but it was late and it was closed. Then we went over to TCBY (which I really didn't want) and thankfully that was closed too. We ended up getting ice cream to-go at Safeway (the local ghetto grocery store) and plastic spoons, going back to the park where Erin's game was to sit on the bleachers and devoured the whole pint. The flavor was Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter cup (not my favorite but good enough). It was so much fun. Like we were teenagers again. Didn't ya ever do that with your girlfriends, in the summer when you were young? Just get ice cream and walk aimlessly around town, covering all kinds of miles and not really going anywhere. I did. Anyway, it was fun! Had to blog about it...

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

My mom is in town and I wanted to give her a taste of C'ville, so we went to the dreaded Darilicious which is the only ice cream joint in town. Holy Dairy Cow! We got ripped off for the second to last time (I absolutely have to go back there in October for their Pumpkin shakes) My mom got a very small hot fudge sundae. It didn't have any whipped cream or any nuts (it did have the 11 cent cherry though) mom asks for these items and it's like $1.69 more for 1/2 oz of nuts and whipped cream???? Hello! Yes I got my typical $5.00 Boston! YIKES! I am a sucker.

Saturday, May 24, 2003

Ice Cream Song Circle

So we all met up at Monty's on Thursday. Singing that night were Mary Simon, me, Katie Miller and Julie Shields. She was really good! We got all set up and by the time we were done, all the goils were there: Mary Rose, Maria, Jessica and Cheryl. It was 9:00 and we had time before the song circle started. So a bunch of us hopped in Cheryl's mom-mobile and around the corner we went to: ABBOTT'S! Mary and Julie joined us as well, but Katie and her wifey, Charlene, were not at all interested, even though they're Alice the Mascot's mommies.

We chugged along to Abbott's and piled into the store. I think everyone had cones with some assortment of toppings or chunkies: almonds, sprinkles, etc. Then somehow the ice cream dude heard that Julie was from Kitchener, where he'd spent considerable time, and they got to talking. Talking just a wee to much, if you ask me, as it seriously bogged down the queue, since he wasn't serving while his jaw was yapping. And I really wanted to say, Yo buddy, dish while ya talk! But since Julie was a guest I didn't want to be so rude. Yet. So they kept talking. And I finally decided to say something to him but he finally said himself, I better stop talking. And I said Yeah! You're holding up the ice cream getting! In a nice way.

So Mary and Julie agreed that this was damn delicious ice cream! We all got our ice cream, and piled back into the mom-mobile. But as Mr. Dude had talked soooo long, I was already done with my ice cream by then, but the people who had been at the end of the line still had theirs. And while we were getting into the van I remarked that Cheryl has kids, so she's used to sticky stuff being everywhere. And SHE said, no I don't let my kids eat or drink anything in this van, so y'all consider yourselves lucky! We DO Cheryl! Not just lucky, but special. And nobody spilled any ice cream either.

Then we all headed back to Monty's to sing, with our throats all a-phlegm from rich frozen custard. Oh, and for the record, Abbott's on Park Ave. is really stingy with the ice cream.

The end.

PS: Photos coming soon.

I want to aplogize for leaving so soon after the show on Thurs. I had only gotten 2 hrs of sleep the night before.

MARIA....any chance I could get a copy of that tape??
MARY ROSE....please email me those pics ya took?? Especially the one of the goils on the Ice Cream mobile.

hugs to all

Thursday, May 22, 2003

Ok, I'd better blog this so I don't get a good flogging
Last Sunday, me and the whole fam went down to the beach. We stopped at Abbott's, of course. I had a plain vanilla fave. Here's a pic of the kids in the Abbott's parking lot :-)

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Thursday Ice Cream....

For the Rochester goils: Katie isn't coming in until 8:00, and she's coming right to Monty's. I have to meet her there. So maybe....just maybe... we can get her set up, or at least loaded in, then take a quick run around the corner to Abbotts at 733 Park Ave., then head back to Monty's. It won't be a real ice cream social, merely the desparate pigging out of an ice cream addict. What d'yall say? Maybe we can all meet at Monty's early, stake out our tables, then run over?

Public Service question...

Hey, do you all want me to put links to your blogs or websites or whatever? I can attach the hyperlink to your names under the biographies. Let me know what URL you want me to link and I will!

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

You thought she was bullshitting....

Here's the proof of Lisa's Hemp ice cream experience. Sounds more like a nightmare to me! At least it was chocolate.

So I was at my friends Jamie and Alex's house the other night having a BBQ to say good bye to my friend Suzanne, who is following her heart out to San Fran to be with her girlfriend. Everyone wanted ice cream (little good little piggys:-) and so we walked to this place on the Pearl Street Mall called Cold Stone Creamery. I don't know if there are any on the east coast but it has to be at least held up to Abbott's for a comparison. They have handmade, homemade, ice cream there that you can mix any of the myriad of toppings. They have cake batter ice cream (ya know like cookie dough-- it's not that weird!) When asked how it tasted so much like cake batter the employee informed us that it basically was cake batter with some milk frozen (or something)! WHOA! That's crazy. Anyway, there is sweet cream ice cream, coffee, double dutch fudge, vanilla bean, etc. The toppings were bountiful as well. All different kinds of fruit and melted peanut butter (YUM my favorite) sauce, hot fudge, peanut butter cups, heath bars, blah blah blah. As Maria would say, I digress. SO, ya pick out the ice cream flavor and the stuff to mix in and they put it into a VERY Yummy waffle cone! I had double dutch chocolate, and little coffee ice cream mixed with boysenberries and brownies with a little peanut butter sauce. IT WAS SO GOOD!!! Sorta like Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but better. Well can we just say I have found ice cream heaven here in Boulder, CO!

Monday, May 19, 2003


So Ann Marie and I got back Saturday from Toronto, where we saw the fabulous Mary Simon. Can I just say that Toronto has a much better Songwriters' Circle set-up than we do? They have a fuckin' stage!! Rock on! Mary Simon was great as always, and Julia Churchill was there too- and while I wasn't too impressed with her when she was here she was really good in T.O. Plus there was this kid Riley Armstrong- can I just say how awesome he was?? He was so freakin' funny!! I love him!! Leah, you were missed, though- having you there would have made the show *perfect*. Thankfully you will be at the one this week! Yay!! Anyhow, my ice cream point is that we had lunch at this Mr. Greenjeans joint and I had the best milkshake ever! It was an Oreo one and it had little bits of Oreo goodness crushed into it. It was orgasmic. I had Ann take my picture but I don't think I can upload it without Blogspot Plus or something so oh well. But for a milkshake that thing rocked my world. (Guess you can tell my ICF is still 5!) I'm ready for the real thing though! Abbott's! Abbott's!

Saturday, May 17, 2003

Hmm allergic reaction? I had a chocolate banana boston with pecans yesterday and I got a bit crampy...may be WE are getting old...?

Friday, May 16, 2003


Okay, so far I had the Mrs. Fields ice cream that Rose told you about, that gave me the runs. Then I had a DQ flurry, or blizzard, or whatever they call them with Reese's PB cups, and I split that with my little faggot buddy Jim, so it didn't bother me. Let's see, that was in Charleston, WV. The Mrs. Fields was in Hendersonville, NC. And today I went to the chiropractor who adjusted me and fixed my sudden little allergy to dairy. It's not lactose intolerance, just an allergic reaction. So I'm ready for my chocolate almond fudge. So here's a thought. Shall we congregate at the nearest Abbott's before my gig at Monty's on Thursday? There's one on Park Ave. Let me know who's up for it! I'll check with Mary on what time I need to be at Monty's, then we can plan the time to meet accordingly. PLEASE SAY YES!

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Did you hear about the dyslexic Rabbi?

He walks around saying "Yo."

LMAO!! Just HAD to post this...hehehe. See all you goils on the 22nd!!

Saturday, May 10, 2003

Hello's Let me start with I had DQ last night at the mall, and It was even dipped.:-) Today I had Vanilla/Chocolate chip ice cream, been a while since I had that..YUMMY.. Spoke to Leah today and she asked me to post the following. She will be performing at Mary Simon's Song writers circle at Monty's corner on the 22nd of this month..YAY!! So That means If you are in the area you should show up ... cause it'll be cool Yo! On that Note I'm off to have a cream-cicle I'm such a Pig today Blah!!!!

PS Happy Mom's day To the Mommies. That includes anyone with pets too.:-)

Thursday, May 08, 2003

Leah On The Road(blogging by phone):

Yesterday, I had an ice cream in Henderson, NC. It was Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chocolate a cone. An hour or two later I was running for the bathroom.

Could the TLIC Hostess be developing a lactose problem?? Oh, the TRAGEDY!!!

Monday, May 05, 2003

This particular blog site is messed up when I view it. Even with the Harley picture reduced. The banners at the top are messed up and there are these rectangles that don't make sense. The banner ad is not right either. Bitters other blog site is fine from my computer.

PS Had a banana/chocolate Boston Saturday...

Friday, May 02, 2003

Feedback, please?

I've looked at this blog from two different computers and the layout is all vercocked. Is it messed up on everyone else's computer, or just on these? Maybe it's an IE 6.0 thing, because that's what both computers have. Can anyone else tell me if it's messed up at your end?

Thursday, May 01, 2003

Hey goils :-)

Sorry I've been MIA....just burned out on the computer, I guess.
Have to show you all the new Harley :-)

Love you all
So like I just tasted some Ice Cream...

My bo left half a pint of B&J's chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream in my freezer. So like is this fair game? He hasn't been over here in like 4 days, I think it's fair game...Yo, Bitter? You may need to increase my ICF...
I'M SORRY!!!!!

Ahh!!!! I totally forgot to blog about my ice cream experience from the other night!!!! Don't excommunicate me please!!!!!!!!!! :'(

So here it is: I went to Abbott's on Charlotte beach the other day, because it was just warm enough. Justin and I both ordered dishes of vanilla with rainbow sprinkles, but I got hot fudge on mine. So the chick puts an ice cream on the counter and I pick it up and start eating it. A minute later, Justin picks up "his" and accusingly says, "Hey! You're eating mine!". Indeed I was, as it was lacking in the fudge department. So the running jokes of the night were of course: "Hey Jessica, have some MORE ice cream" and "Jessica, remember that time you ate everyone's ice cream?"

Also, I got chocolate smeared on my face by Sarah. She thought it was hilarious. I did not.
The iron fist rules from afar...

So I'm on a borrowed computer, on HI-SPEED! And I'm catching up on Jessica's blog. And there I see a flagrant admission of her and pals going to the original Abbott's at Charlotte Beach for ice cream. And I RUSH over to this blog to read all about the details: who was there, what kind of ice cream did she have, and other fun stories of the night. And I find.....NOTHING! *sigh*. Such disappointment.

I still haven't had any ice cream on this tour. Maybe in the South we'll find something? Everytime we stop for food, there are no ice cream places nearby. But I promise, I will eat one ice cream before I return.