Sunday, March 23, 2003

Hello Everyone! Call me Pinky. I'm not sure why...Never really liked the color. I am getting older though, people change. Well I do like the pink part of spumoni [spoo-MOH-nee] (huh huh I wrote MO-n) the wickedly wonderful frozen molded Italian dessert consisting of two layers of ice cream (such as my favorite PISTACHIO and the pink part, cherry) loaded with maraschino cherries. If done right, a layer of sweetened whipped cream that has been flavored with rum and mixed with toasted nuts and candied fruit is sandwiched between the two. Sometimes the ice cream is lightened with whipped cream or beaten egg whites before being spooned into the mold. WOW I just had deja-vu. I guess I should be here then shouldn't I? Or am I just repeating myself?

Since the corn county I live in doesn't support local Spumoni and/or PISTACHIO ice cream consumption, I am forced to have tons of sex in order to lower my ice cream frustration. The last time I had a really GOOD amount of that beloved green delight was back in 1996, Salt Lake City, Utah. The home of this frozen concoction that THEY called a shake. When I think of a shake I think of McDonalds Vanilla or Chocolate or maybe Steak n Shake with whipped cream and a cherry on top, well in Utah, you eat your shake with a spoon. No suckin' on a straw. This stuff is so thick and creamy that people line up for blocks to order from the Iceburg specialty stand. MMMMM. It is so worth the wait.